There are no reasons to justify the murder. killing people without proper reason is a very sinful crime, and can not be forgived beside doing same thing to the actor, just like uighur, han, and goverment conflict. i think all people all around the world have same feeling about this. then the question is, why there are only a few people who care to them, altough they said that killing people is a crime. we just see this genoside, and can not do anything.
genoside and something like that is wrong way to keep the world safe, we need peace and apreciation to differences between us. differences is a normal thing, we will find them everywhere. considering that we are the best and must get ride off the others is the worst understanding in the world.
therefore, just let this live run normally without crime, genoside, and something like that. the effort to guarantee peace and safety is more apreciated.
Label: politik | author: pherry prastRITZ CARLTON'S BOMB AND ITS ECONOMIC'S IMPACT
Label: politik | author: pherry prastThere are many assumtion and prediction about the actor of this attack, but it is earlier to determine who the actor is. policeman and the authority still trying to indentify the eveident. so, i guess, it is no wish and not fair to claim this crime as a terorist responsibility, which is usually connected with islam. let authority analize the eveident and let them take objective conclutions.
Ritz carlton and jw marriot bombing is a worse action after general election in indonesia. we know that we are still trying to recover our bad imppresion, that is indirectly influented our economic progressment. but, everything seem so worse now because of this attack. we will get more difficulty in making real welfare-state-dream, even it seem so blur with few hope.
we all condamned this action as violance, therefore the authority have to find and punish them as they have done.
Label: politik | author: pherry prastKeseriusan golkar dalam bergabung pada koalisi besar sebelum pemilu, dan track record golkar yang tidak pernah mengalami menjadi partai oposisi menjadi hal yang dilematis. disatu sisi golkar, setidaknya dengan kalkulasi quick count, tertinggal begitu jauh dengan kedua rivalnya, yang artinya jk-win kalah, yang berarti juga kekalahan bagi golkar. sehingga mau tidak mau sebenarnya secara etis golkar harus menempatkan dirinya sebagai partai oposisi. namun disisi lain, golkar dengan pengalamannya yang segudang menangani ranah eksekutif, sumberdaya yang kualified, dan keuntungan secara politis jika bergabung dengan kubu sby, menjadikan partai in bingung. hal ini menjadikannya terkesan tidak berprinsip dan terlalu oportunis.
saya tertarik dengan perkataan budiman sujatmiko, salah satu kader muda pdip, dalam salah satu acara di tv. beliau mengatakan, setidaknya seperti ini, tidak akan menjadi suatu partai yang besar jika tidak berani untuk menempatkan dirinya pada posisi yang berlawanan, sehingga mereka tidak akan mendapat kemenangan dengan posisi mereka yang ditengah-tengah itu.
dan saya rasa memang harusnya demikian sebuah partai, harus punya jati diri dan komitmen.
Label: computer and internet | author: pherry prastBusiness always to be very important thing for the people as long as people's life. it becomes attractive topic to be discuss in every generation. therefore, business with several thing related with it, always develop and progress in accordance with modernity. bussiness always follow the people change, what ever it is.
for present day, with super progressment in information technology, business develop very fast. businessman always try to find inovation to introduce and expand their product. one of their inovation is by using internet. i guess this is the most favourite tool for them because of its simplicity and effectivity. they can save some money and energy, and get more benefits at once. so it is fine when we see so many businessman use this way to support their business development.
there are so many way for businessman to introduce their product by internet. for them who close with internet, i guess have known some term just like business web directories. this term is used for such web directories which is particulary used for telling the people about business stuff. we all know that most people depend on this web directories to find something they need. it because web directory gives them ease. considering this fact, it is logical for businessman to use this opportunity to maximize their business by joining in the business web directory. they can get a lot more visitor and give more chance to them to sell their product.
it becomes more interesting when they know that web directory always have good relationship with search enginer. it means they can increase their popularity because it can increase their SEO. we call this as SEO friendly web directory. just like the previous post, i said that there was always firm relationship between search enginer and web directory. it because of the mutual relationship between them. each of them get benefits. by joining the business web directory it means you trying to place your web in good position in search enginer, and you have bigger oportunity to achieve it because you have joinend in such business web directory.
now, i think this is the proper time for you to try this way. you can visit and join to some business web directory, lets say or other business web directory, to take this good chance. you can advertise your product and tell the people the its benefits.
Label: computer and internet | author: pherry prastthese three stuf are different. we all -i guess- have known the differences between them. google is the bigest search enginer in the earth, everyone can easily find what they want only by puting keyword they want to search, press enter, then you get what you want. blog is an abbreviation of web log. in the simple word, blog can be defined as a form of web applications that resemble writings (published as a post) on a public web page.Web sites like this usually can be accessed by all users of the Internet in accordance with the topics and goals of the user's blog, it's one of some reason why blog really popular for the people. advertisment is campaign of the goods, services, companies and ideas that should be paid by a sponsor. Marketing see the advertisment as part of an overall campaign strategy.
those are the differences between them. but, altough they have different characteristic, actually they have very firm relationship. have you ever imagine how they are connected in very firm relationship? it's easy. each of them have each own purpose which actually different each other. google have spesific purposes, and so with blog and avertisment. but, they will get their best performance when these three stuf are able to unite and make a good cooperation.
here is the explaination. google always try to show his best performance by providing good search result. good result means suitable with what searcher are looking for. it's really difficult to be done if google don't have many data base. more data base is better. and this is the relevance with blog. blog is a very active and dinamic public site. there are so many thing included in this site. this condition become more dinamic and fast progressed when the way of maintenance of blog improved, to be easier than before. this condition really give a lot of benefit to search enginer just like google, it's why google love blog.
advertisment has also interest like google and blog. advertisment appear form such company or other parties who has several interest. habitually they want to make famous their company's name or other thing related with their company. it's all about how to maximaze their purpose achievement. the existance of blog is really helpfull for company. they may use blog for advertise their company. it's really rational by seeing the blog fact right now. so they are clearly connected. google, in the other side provide facility for those two parties to ease this matter. we know that google is the blooger owner. it means google has fully right to control and manage blogger. related with advertisment, google provide an advertisment concept called google adsense which is provided for company that want to advertise their product and blogger who want to get extra money.
Label: इन्टरनेट | author: pherry prastfirst, you need to know the meaning of this term. for you that have experiented with internet, i guess have understood about what web directory is. but i won't use this perception in this post. i will explain few thing about it.
Web directory is a directory on the World Wide Web. Web directory contains links to other web sites and set up links to in-ranala system categories and hierarchies (wikipedia). as simply, web directory is a list of some website which have same characteristics, so that they are placed in one category. for example, web directory will clasified some business web site into business web directory. it means, business web directory contains some web site with same background, that is business. and so with with seo web directory, it contains several links which will show you website about seo.
may be some of you consider this web directory same with search enginer. actually they are different. search enginer is used for looking such specific thing by using particular key word. you will easily find what you are looking for by using this tool. but, it's different with web directory. web directory provides lists of web sites based on category and sub-categories. Web directory edited by humans and not based on a particular keyword, but a site based on the essence. so that the essence of the website will determine their clasification in web directory, not a such keyword. it's clearly different. i hope you understand.
now, it's time to talk about benefits of web directory. i think it's about efficiency. you will easily find what you are looking for only by seeing web directory. it will provides and leads you to such object you are looking for faster than not use web directory. it will save your time, and you more time to do other thing. that is the benefits may be got for web directoy user. beside giving benefit to web directory user, web directory also give benefit for the website owner. you -as a website ownwer- may put your website in some web directory by fulfilling some requirement ofcourse. by applying this you will have very good opportunity to make your website as well-known site to the public. begin from this step, you will get easiness for further step to your sucess.
for you who want to try and know more about web directories you may visit yahoo directory or dmoz or other web directory. you will get more information over there.